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Health & Fitness Training

Each of our lifestyle fitness classes includes 20 minutes of no-impact Kung Fu Cardio. Those who don’t exercise are encouraged to start slowly and take all the breaks needed. Students will notice their endurance improving quickly. Stretching is a must whether you are old or young, but especially as we get older. We also discuss healthy eating habits to further improve your results.
We don’t focus only on the external battle of aging, we focus on using the Kung Fu discipline to improve your all-around health. Your first battle is the hardest— that is, making the decision to come in for your first class. From there, you’ll develop new habits and better health. One of the first habits you will develop will be eating healthier. LCMA encourages you to start small and eliminate one bad food at a time - replacing it with healthier options and celebrating small victories along the way. You don’t need to eat less, only better.

Make Your Decision

Make Your Decision Living requires hard work and a healthy lifestyle that slows down mental and physical aging. However, people must decide to change what they are doing to accomplish these goals. Although it is very important to understand there are things you can't change, do what you can to help yourself change where you can. All that is required is for you to make the decision to change. It is your choice.

Whether you're eating better, exercising more, stretching, studying your faith, or all of the above, every positive change is good for your entire being. The only bad experience is one from which you learn nothing. The choice you have to make is simple: age gracefully or painfully. Set your goals to live. Or, you can choose to sit still and let your mind, body, and health decline more rapidly. Why let your body endure suffering and pain from making no effort? Take on the "I Can" attitude. LCMA will show you that the light switch of positive change can be turned on. LCMA training will help you work harder at living a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle.

Our Kung Fu Styles

Our Kung Fu Styles are Wing Chun, Wing Chun Fut, Crane Chi Kung, Choy li fut, and Snake Style. LCMA training will teach students how to fight well. However, expectations are different from most schools. This is because our primary focus is teaching the power of good defense skills that produce measurable outcomes - such as focusing on not being hit vs hitting. Higher ranks must take responsibility and control their emotions and power. This allows the younger student to learn from their example. As a result, both learn the benefits, and younger students aren't afraid to challenge advanced students when sparring.

Students are prohibited from hitting with impact or hurting each other. Good defenses and attacks require controlled impact blows. These boundaries and control in sparring or real combat create confidence in the student's ability to protect themselves. At LCMA, we spar at the end of every class to help students get experience and confidence in defending and fighting in the classroom. Master Lee always says, “The wrong time to find out you can't fight is outside of the school."